2019 Talk to MidCity School for Seniors: Is the World Really as I think it is?

2014 Proposed talk to AAPAE (Australian Association of Professional And Applied Ethics):
Philosophy – a viable alternative to medication for mental health
I was invited by a colleague to present a paper. I submitted this one but it was never delivered as it needed much more work, which I was not able to do at the time due to other commitments. It was commented that much of what I said about Philosophy already applied to counselling techniques, but my aim was to foreground that Philosophy is the original source of the techniques.

2004 Talk to Senior School Teachers on Philosophy (requested by Tasmanian Qualifications Authority):
Religion & Philosophy Syllabus Senior Secondary Section C: Philosophy

2003 Talk to the Newman Society: Personal Identity – Do We Have it and Does it Matter?


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Between Stimulus and Response, man has the freedom to choose (Stephen Covey)