Couples Counselling
Couples Counselling (relationship counselling or marriage counselling) is counselling for two people in an intimate relationship who are having problems. The couple may or may not be living together. Further, the couple could be heterosexual, homosexual, married, divorced, de-facto, separated, single or any other combination. We do not discriminate and are open to helping you all.
If your relationship is floundering, Couples Counselling may be the help you need to get things rosy again. It can help you go behind the scenes and reveal what you’re missing. If things aren’t like they used to be, talking things over with a counsellor could bring things to the surface that you might have been avoiding.
Common Difficulties that bring Couples to Counselling include:
- Trust breakdown
- Betrayal or infidelity
- Depression or illness
- Aggression or hostility
- Poor or inadequate communication
- Conflict over parenting styles or family problems
Couples might want help to mend their relationship or to end it. Sometimes specialised help is needed, such as for intimacy and sexual difficulties, or for decisions regarding children if they decide to part.
What Happens at Sessions?
We help couples by listening to each side and working together to find solutions. Each party gets a chance to tell their story from their own point of view, while the other person listens. We then try to find common ground and an agreed approach to the problem(s). Importantly, we strive to find realistic goals and a plan to achieve them. Activities for between sessions are often set. Every case is unique with its own challenges and solutions.
Quite often, couples are suffering from stress, which is either causing their difficulties, or is caused by them. To help them manage stress and improve the relationship, I might recommend Mindfulness Training for Couples. This can be incorporated into couples therapy.Another issue that can cause difficulties in relationships is personality. Understanding each other’s personalities can make a big difference in how well you get on together. To know more about this, see About The Enneagram. See also downloadable PDF: About Couples Counselling.
If you’re having problems with your loved one, contact us now and get things back on track.
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