Counselling Supervision is a requirement for counsellors registered with the Australian Counselling Association – the peak counselling body in Australia. Like other registered counsellors, I have a qualified supervisor, with whom I meet regularly. As a qualified counselling supervisor, I am able to offer professional counselling supervision to qualified counsellors as part of their ACA membership requirements. Supervision is a contracted arrangement. If you would like to register with me as your supervisor, please follow the steps below.

Registering for Counselling Supervision

First, please  write a brief ½ to ¾ page biography in a Word document. State briefly your training, current situation (work or looking for work) and what you would like to get out of supervision. If you are a member of ACA, include your membership number and level. Please send the Word document to me as an attachment to an email: This will enable me to know if I can meet your requirements and whether I am the right person for you. I will respond as soon as possible, usually within a day or two.

Second, if you receive the okay to go ahead, please complete the 1) Supervisee Intake form below, and 2) book your first session via the Counselling Booking Calendar. If you are able to book your first session for a face-to-face meeting, that is preferable so we can meet in person. However, if meeting in person is not available, you can book your session via Zoom. Please note, although the calendar refers to ‘Counselling Bookings,’ it also includes supervision bookings. You will see details and instructions on the page.

Third, once I receive your form and booking, I will email you a contract to peruse, also several other documents related to supervision. At your first session, there are a few matters to discuss, prior to us both signing off on the contract. This can be done digitally and we each keep a copy of the signed contract. Once signing off is completed, you are free to bring up any issues concerning your practice.

You can book your future sessions via the booking calendar as needed. Also, group sessions over Zoom are available periodically.

Supervision Fees

Individual 50-minute sessions are $70. Allowing for preparation and note-taking, this gives you an hour supervision. Appointments are prepaid at the time of booking via the booking calendar. 2-hour Group Zoom sessions are $50, and pre-paid by direct deposit.

Please contact me by email (above) or telephone 0409 191 342 if anything is not clear. I look forward to meeting and working with you.

Once you have received the okay to go ahead, please complete the form below, and book your first session via the Counselling Booking Calendar,

Supervisee Intake Form

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Between Stimulus and Response, man has the freedom to choose (Stephen Covey)