Mindfulness for Smokers will help you stop smoking. We know that smoking is notoriously difficult to stop! Yet many smokers would love to quit, if only they knew how! If this sounds like you, try Mindfulness for Smokers.
Course Details
Mindfulness for Smokers is a specially developed Mindfulness course with extra information about smoking. You learn valuable skills to manage reactivity and withdrawal. In addition, you learn other important skills, like assertiveness and dealing with difficult situations. We find that it is often when we are not managing things well that we turn to smoking. At first it ‘relieves’ the stress. But then it becomes the cause of stress and lots of other types of ill health.
The course lasts for 10-weeks of 2-2.5 hour sessions, depending on numbers. A brief pre-course interview informs you about the course and checks that it is right for you. Each participant receives a 1-1 session during the course. (with more available if needed). Sessions consist of feedback, smoking assessments and new learning. Group support keeps you motivated and on track. To guide your Mindfulness practice, you receive comprehensive notes and on-line recordings. Keeping up your practice after the course is finished will help you maintain your gains. For ongoing support, follow-up sessions are available.
Mindfulness for Smokers can be delivered to individuals or groups. We can schedule a private group any time we have enough interest. Why not contact us and put your name down? As soon as we have enough participants, we will schedule a small group course. Workplaces especially will benefit by running small group to support their staff to ‘quit.’ Don’t delay – do it now! Keeping workers healthy is a sound investment.
To know more, click the image and the downloadable PDFs:
About Smoking About Mindfulness for Smokers
To Quit Smoking Now, Mindfulness for Smokers is the help you need. Get in touch to start your course now.
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