Enneagram for Living – Live over Zoom – May 2025

Check out details now for Enneagram for Living Course offered in 2025!

Enrolments are now open!
Enrol early for discounts!

The Enneagram is a model of human attitudes, behaviours, strengths and weaknesses.
What makes us different? or similar? And what holds me back, and why?
The Enneagram has answers you won’t find elsewhere!
Enrol for this course now and find out!
Click here for course flyer.

Enneagram for Living Course Details 2025

Delivery: Fortnightly over Zoom. Links and schedule will be emailed to you prior each session.
Days and Dates: 2-hours on Friday 2nd May, then 3 Saturdays 2 weeks apart – 3rd May, 17th May & 31st May.
Times: One Friday night 6.30pm-8.30pm; Three Saturdays: 10.00am-4.00pm.
Time Check:  AEST – Australian Eastern Standard Time
Participants:  Suitable for anyone ready for a journey of insight and personal growth.
Full Fee: $380 – covers all sessions, workbooks and certificates.
Early Bird discount: Save $80 by enrolling and paying early – details below.

Enneagram for Living Course Content

You will learn about the Enneagram personality model, including: attitudes, behaviours, desires, fears, strengths, weaknesses, similarities, differences – and much more. To ground and connect all participants, a brief 2-3minute meditation will start all sessions. For full details of the course content, please see: Enneagram for Living Course Content 2025.

Enneagram for Living Course Requirements

The course is not a ‘watch only’ course. There will be discussions and interactions between participants. So you will need to be present at all sessions. You will need your camera on during the course, especially during the small and whole group discussions. Please check out your accessibility prior to the course. Feel free to contact me before the starting date if you want to check your ability to access to the Zoom link. Glitches in participants being unable to log-in at the first session interrupt session time and disrupt the course, so please check this out if you have any concerns. Every minute of the course is precious, so you won’t want to miss any of it!

Due to the sharing of personal information, privacy and confidentiality are essential. Please click here to see details: Important Information Enneagram Zoom Course. To protect privacy of discussions, the course will not be recorded.

Certificates and PD Points

At the end of the course, we ask you to complete an evaluation form. On receipt of your form, we will send you a certificate of completion. In addition, you can obtain 10 professional development points as approved by ACA by completing a 12-question assessment. I will also send you a copy of the meditations used throughout the course for your own use or use with clients or others.

Cancellation Policy

Cancellations unfortunately affect the viability of the course, financially and practically. Once your enrolment is received and actioned, cancellation of your place will incur an administration fee. Cancellations of more than 2-months prior to the starting date will incur a 10% fee, less than 2-months but more than 1-month a 20% fee, one month to 2-weeks 50%, and less than 2-weeks 100%.

Enrolment and Payment Options

Total full fee is $380, which covers all sessions and workbooks.
By enrolling and paying early, you can obtain generous discounts!
For all enrolments, you pay a deposit of $130 with your enrolment.

You then have three options to pay the balance:

  1. Early Bird: pay a balance of $170 by 21st February to save $80 – total paid: $300.
  2. Standard: pay balance of $210 by 21st March to save $40 – total paid: $340.
  3. Full Fee: pay $250 by 21st April – total paid $380.

To Enrol:  Complete and submit the enrolment form below with your deposit $130.
Please specify your payment option for paying the balance. When we receive your enrolment, we will send you a receipt for your payment.
Two weeks before the due date for the balance I will send you an invoice for the balance, according to the payment option you have selected.

Enrolment Form

Please complete all details on the form below. Include your suburb, state and postcode for invoicing purposes. Then press the ‘SUBMIT’ button, and you will be taken to the PayPal page to complete your payment. If you have any difficulty with the process, you can email me via the Contact Page.


    Enrolment Form for Enneagram for Living May 2025

    Enrolment Deposit: $130

    Please enter in the box below your choice for paying the balance (either Early Bird, Standard or Full Price)
    An invoice for the balance with payment details will be emailed to you 2 weeks before the due date.
    Early Bird: I will pay balance of $170 by 21st February.
    Standard: I will pay balance of $210 by 21st March.
    Full Price: I will pay balance of $250 by 21st April.

    Press 'Submit' and you will be redirected to PayPal to finalise your deposit payment.


    For more information about the Enneagram, see:
    What is the Enneagram?
    Enneagram for Living
    About the Enneagram 2024
    About the Enneagram for Living 2025


    ‘Following completion of the Enneagram course, I feel awakened to the truth of my self …”

    I found the Enneagram course to be life-changing. It allowed me to re-write my childhood and re-examine my self-identity in a very profound way …’

    Dr Pauline Enright’s Enneagram for Living Course was really valuable and helpful to me. Before doing it, I was searching for explanations of what has happened in my life and why I behaved as I did, especially in response to difficult situations and relationships. The Course gave me the answers I was looking for …’

    ‘The Enneagram journey has given me a deeper understanding of all the little pieces that make the people around me tick.  Learning the difference between personality type challenges versus nature and nurture has been very helpful …’

    ‘ … I feel I am seeing situations clearer and deeper … I am more understanding of others … ‘

    What’s more, to see over 300 testimonials received since 2004, see: Enneagram Testimonials!

    Contact Radiance Hobart Counselling & Self-Development
    now for more information about what we have to offer

    Between Stimulus and Response, man has the freedom to choose (Stephen Covey)