The Enneagram

Do you know what The Enneagram is? Have you ever wondered why some people are like you and others are different? Why you get on well with some people but not with others?  If so, keep reading.

The Enneagram is an amazingly accurate model of personality types. A blend of ancient wisdom and modern psychology, it describes nine basic types that apply to all people at all times. You discover your personality type and what it means for you.

In fact, you have found a map for self-discovery. As you learn about each personality element, you discover more about yourself. Especially, you become aware of your strengths and how best to develop them. You also discover how to overcome your blind-spots and challenges.

Additionally, the Enneagram shows you hidden parts of your personality and how to make the most of them. What’s more, it addresses the spiritual aspects of personality. When you discover your type, you have a blue-print for self-development. At last we know how to make the most of ourselves and our natural gifts!

Enneagram Course over Zoom Many 2025

To know more, why not enrol for upcoming course, to be delivered over Zoom? It runs throughout May 2025. For details and enrolment instructions, click on the image. See also downloadable PDF: About the Enneagram.
The Enneagram provides hope for the future. Each one of us has something unique and precious. We feel more positive, more keenly aware of our potential and how to achieve what we really want.

Click on the images below for information about Enneagram group courses:

The Enneagram for Living is a group course for people who are ready for serious self-discovery. See you will see how Personality influences everything in your life. Overcome traps and obstacles, discover your gifts and natural strengths!


The Enneagram at Work is a training program for workplaces. See how Personality impacts the way people work, interact and communicate. Gain a wealth of information valuable to the success of your business and the wellbeing of your employees. Great for leadership training and team-building.


Enneagram Testimonials tell you want our clients think. For example: “Following completion of the Enneagram course, I feel awakened to the truth of my self. I can clearly see where my personality plays out in my life and now know what I need to do to achieve greater balance and harmony” Anika.


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Between Stimulus and Response, man has the freedom to choose (Stephen Covey)