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Workplace Counselling

If staff problems are causing your workplace to lose money or productivity to decline, Workplace Counselling is worth checking out. Workplaces that offer counselling have a head-start in helping their their staff to stay healthy and efficient. Workplace Counselling is counselling for people in a workplace, paid for by the employer. Counselling helps staff to deal with problems and stay healthy and positive. Healthy staff take less sick leave and are more productive. Counselling can help with problems at work, or outside work if they negatively impact your work.

Stress is inevitable in most busy workplaces. Unchecked, it can lead to anger outbursts, bullying and loss of motivation. Fractured relationships, distrust and undermining are just some of the results. Counselling can help these problems. Workplaces benefit, as happy, healthy employees stay longer and work more efficiently. Workplace Counselling is a sensible investment. When staff know that you care about their well-being, morale and output improves. Better to deal with problems early before they undermine you and your success. Click on the image to know more about counselling.

Organising Workplace Counselling

To organise workplace counselling for your staff, please get in touch. We can discuss your needs and situation. Then, I can set up a contract to suit you. Most workplaces allocate 3 to 6 sessions per year for each staff member We can negotiate to find what suits you best. Sessions are available by face-to-face, over Zoom or by telephone. Usually I will phone the client beforehand to book their session and discuss their preference for attending.

Sessions are private and convenient. You take them in a safe place where you will not be disturbed, interrupted or overheard. You can discuss your problems safely, in confidence. Whether your problems are about your workplace, private life, family or anything at all, talking them over helps. With the support of a qualified professional, you see things more clearly, work through your difficulties and plan a way forward. There may be things to learn and practice. See also downloadable PDF: About Workplace Counselling.

If you would like to take the first step to protecting and caring for your staff’s mental and emotional health by providing counselling sessions, click on the image or the link below to get in touch today.

Contact Radiance Hobart Counselling & Self-Development
now for more information about what we have to offer

Between Stimulus and Response, man has the freedom to choose (Stephen Covey)