Click on the Images below for further information:
About Philosophy explains what Philosophy is and and why it matters. Over time, it has developed in numerous ways, academically and in ordinary life. What’s more, studying Philosophy helps you to think well, analyse arguments and make good decisions. In fact, it can help you in most aspects of your life – an enjoyable, fun and valuable activity.
Philosophy for Children (P4C) is a course for school children of all ages for use in individual classrooms, whole schools, or out-of-school programs. P4C teaches skills in reflective thinking, discussion, reasoning, ethical and social awareness and much more. Click on the image to see what we can do for your school.
Teaching ‘Philosophy for Children’ is a training course for teachers and educators to learn how to facilitate P4C sessions. Training follows FAPSA’s guidelines. See how you can improve teaching at your school, across the whole curriculum. Improve classroom behaviour, culture and performance. What’s more, children learn how to focus and concentrate. If you would like your teachers to learn the skills of teaching P4C, click on the image to find out how.
Philosophy Testimonials will tell you what course participants think. For example:
‘It’s improved my thinking heaps. Thanks’ Girl mixed Grade 4-6 Group.
‘I’ve got a lot from the sessions. I’ve been able to apply it in the classroom. In fact, I’ve learnt something new every session’ C.S. Classroom Teacher.
Click on the image to see more testimonials.
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