Philosophy for Beginners
Philosophy for Beginners is a user friendly approach to Philosophy. It is a course for people who want to learn how to do Philosophy in an informal setting. There are guidelines for discussion so that you know what to do and how to keep on track. Philosophy is a practice that explores ideas, assumptions and beliefs. ‘Doing Philosophy’ stimulates the brain and takes you outside of your normal thinking patterns. In fact, you explore the ‘Big Questions’ of life. Moreover, you can put your own ideas forward, discuss, and listen to the views of others.
People sometimes ask questions that probe beneath ordinary, everyday matters, such as: ‘How did I come to be here?’ ‘What makes a good life, or a good person?’ ‘Is there a God?’ or ‘What makes some things right and other things wrong?’ These questions are Philosophical Questions.
If you like the idea of discussing these kinds of questions, Philosophy for Beginners will interest you. Socrates famously said “The unexamined life is not worth living.” When you ‘do philosophy,’ you examine the values that you live by, making your life richer and more meaningful.
About the Course
Philosophy for Beginners does not require any pre-requisites. In fact, the course is not for seasoned philosophers. It assumes a ‘beginners mind’ and starts from scratch. All you need is a curious, open mind and a willingness to engage in thinking and discussion, as well as listening respectfully to others. At each session, a topic is presented, with suggested discussion questions. There is also an invitation to choose your own questions. The aim is not to find agreement, but to find meaning. When differences of opinion remain, Philosophy helps you to understand why.
The course is ideal for people who have never done Philosophy before. Topics are explained in simple language so you can understand them easily. But you’ll also learn some Philosophy terms that you’re likely to come across so you know what they mean when you do. During sessions you will explore the major areas of Philosophy, such as Existence, Ethics and Knowledge.
Philosophy for Beginners is currently undergoing a revision.
In the meantime, why not Contact us, put your name down, and we will send you details when available?
See also links: Socrates About Philosophy
And downloadable PDF: About Philosophy
And click on the button to see feedback from prior participants:
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