More Philosophy for Children Testimonials (their spelling unchanged)

School programs with Primary Schools

‘I feel very priveledged to be part of this great circle. I thought it was good to hear other peoples view though sometimes not agreeing. Thanks Pauline for a great 10 weeks’ Grade 5 boy.

‘I’ve had a great time and learn lots. Thankyou very much’ Girl, mixed Grade 4-6 group.

‘It’s been good and I’ve learnt a lot’ Boy, mixed Grade 4-6 group.

‘Its improved my thinking heaps.Thanks’ Girl, mixed Grade 4-6 group.

‘I’ve had heaps of fun and have learnt a lot’ Girl, mixed Grade 4-6 group.

‘I found it interesting to find out the different areas of philosophy and exploring different subjects each week, sharing my ideas / listening’ Grade 4 girl.

‘Helps me to think more now’ Grade 4 boy.

‘It lets us think more than what we usually do’ Grade 4 boy.

‘I think it made me think of the possibitys of actions and the answers of my questions’ Grade 4 boy.

‘It was cool how we thought and talked of different things than we would normally think / talk about’ Grade 4 girl.

‘I liked the people who help’ Grade 6 boy.

‘We all cooperated correctly’ Grade 7 boy.

‘I really enjoyed the topics and taking about it’ Grade 7 girl.

‘I liked the thinking circle because I got to listen to other people’s ideas’ Grade 5 boy

‘I liked the topics we talked about’ Grade 6 girl.

‘I love the idea and I want to do it more often. It is a great learning experience’ Grade 6 girl.

‘I liked it how you are able to say what you have to say whenever you wanted to say it. It was a great experience’ Grade 5 girl.

‘I liked being with these people and talking to them. I thought it was fun and interesting and I learnt a lot’ Grade 6 boy.

‘It was pretty good but it seemed like it went for ages. Thanks’ Grade 6 girl.

‘At the beginning of the first session I began to think more out of the square’ Grade 4 girl.

‘Most of the time I left confused. But it exercises my brain a lot’ Grade 5 boy.

‘I liked philosophy most of the time except I wish they had more comfy chairs and I also wish it was a bit of a small group so you can talk a little bit more’ Grade 5 girl.

‘What I learned and made new friend’s’ Grade 4 boy.

‘I like the things that I learnt and asking the questions and answering them’ Grade 5 girl.

‘It was interesting figuring out the answers & questions’ Grade 6 boy.

‘I enjoyed disagreeing with the ideas to find an answer!’ Grade 6 girl.

‘I enjoyed coming and learning’ Grade 6 girl.

‘I liked always having a discussion at the end of a story’ Grade 4 boy.

‘I enjoy being able to argue my point with others’ Grade 6 boy.

‘I enjoyed being able to say what I think’ Grade 4 girl.

‘I enjoyed listening to peoples thoughts and ideas as well as asking and answering questions!’ Grade 4 girl.

‘I enjoyed the obects that we were trieng to put some were’ Grade 4 girl.

‘The thing that I enjoyed the most in the pholosify group is we get to talk lots and talk about things’ Grade 5 boy.

‘I enjoyed the storys. And discussing them’ Grade 4 boy.

‘I enjoyed it and stories’ Grade 4 boy.

‘Thankyou for a great nine weeks of Philosopy. I hope you have a really great Christmas and and ecellent new year?‘ A card from a Grade 5 boy.

School Programs with High-Schools

‘I really enjoyed it, it was great to be able to talk about things that you wouldn’t usually be able to talk about. Thankyou Pauline’ Girl in mixed Grade 7-10 group.

’I’ve really enjoyed and benefited from the ways of thinking explored’ Girl in mixed Grade 7-10 group.

I can now think about logic and reasoning’ Girl in mixed Grade 7-10 group.

‘I found this both informative and enjoyable’ Girl in mixed Grade 7-10 group.

‘The Thinking Circle helped me to anlyse situations’ Girl in mixed Grade 7-10 group.

‘The Thinking Circle was a really interesting and different activity. It’s a shame we couldn’t do something more on religion’ Girl in mixed Grade 7-10 group.

‘I liked listening to the conversation and other peoples opinions’ Girl in mixed Grade 7-10 group.

‘This has helped me to find the logic in my opinions’ Girl in mixed Grade 7-10 group.

‘The TC really helped me develop skills when building logical arguments’ Girl in mixed Grade 7-10 group.

‘TC opened up a new way of thinking. It’s really interesting’ Girl in mixed Grade 7-10 group.

‘The TC is very interesting. How people think (from listening to conversation is very interesting)’ Girl in mixed Grade 7-10 group.

‘I found the Thinking Circle to be a very valuable and useful experience that broadened my mind and developed my logic’ Girl in mixed Grade 7-10 group.

‘I had great fun in the thinking circle and go to meet many new people and got friends and learn much and found it very useful!’ Girl in mixed Grade 7-10 group.

Holiday Programs with Primary School Children

These were mixed groups of boys and girls approx 8 – 10 years old. The programmes ran during the school holidays with children from various primary schools, public and private. We explored the difference between science and illusion by using films, optical illusions, pictures and various media.

‘I liked all of it. It was fun. I enjoyed it. I have learnt a very lot’

‘The illusions were cool and I liked spinning the things. I learnt lots and lots’

‘I have learnt tons’

‘I have learnt: don’t trust our eyes’

‘I enjoyed the optical illusions…. I would come to another holiday workshop because they’re fun and you never know what you will learn. I have learnt things about optical illusions and how the eyes work’

‘I enjoyed the experiments and Harry Potter … it’s really fun … you sometimes can’t trus your eyes’

‘I enjoyed the optical illuseions … they’re fun and something to do … seeing isn’t always believing.

I’I enjoyed the experiments and Harry Potter, I have learnt that you sometimes can’t always trust your eyes’

‘I enjoyed the optical illusions. I have learnt that seeing isn’t always believing’

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Between Stimulus and Response, man has the freedom to choose (Stephen Covey)