When we lose something precious, like a family member, a friend or a beloved pet, we can feel devastated, lost and confused. Serious loss can lead to intense sadness and Grief. We think we’ll never get over it. Grief is a normal reaction to serious loss. You have such pain you think you will never feel better. Your heart aches and you feel deep sadness.
Depending on the loss, you may experience guilt, depression or anger. At the time, we think that we will never get over these awful feelings. But they are normal, part of being human, and eventually pass. Our natural response is to process grief over time. And when we do, life returns to a ‘new normal.’ In fact the loss becomes integrated into and part of our life story. Major losses, such as a child, can cause prolonged or complicated grief. This is more serious and needs extra help to prevent it from becoming entrenched and hard to shift.
Common Causes of Grief
- Breakdown of an important relationship
- Death of a beloved person or pet
- Divorce
- Getting older and losing capacity
- Home destroyed by fire or flood
- Loss of job or finances
- Loss of limb or ability through accident
- Loss of treasured object with personal meaning
- Miscarriage
- Serious illness, such as cancer
Common Symptoms of Grief
- Anger
- Anxiety and confusion
- Despair and fear
- Headaches and fatigue
- Intrusive thoughts and memory problems
- Loss of appetite, appreciation and sense of humour
- Problems focusing and concentrating
- Numbness and disorientation
- Regret and sadness
- Sleep problems
To read more about Grief, see downloadable PDFs: Grief and Loss and Grieving Children.
Counselling for Grief
If you experience deep loss, counselling can help to manage the heartache and find hope. Meeting with a counsellor and sharing your feelings will help you to understand what’s going on. And realising that your feelings are completely normal helps you to heal. Talking through your emotions can make you feel better and more like your old self. Moreover, you can learn techniques that help you to re-adjust to the new situation. Sadly, we can’t undo the past. But we can learn to become more accepting and less distressed by it. If you would like support to work through difficult times, click on the image to book your session. Then, you’ll start to feel better.
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