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Unwanted attention or manipulation is commonly called Abuse. Some people experience violence or intimidation at the hands of another. It is upsetting makes you feel awful. Abuse is the deliberate act of frightening or manipulating another person. What’s more, abusive behaviour can be emotional, financial, physical, sexual, or verbal. It can be in person or over the internet, such as cyber bullying. Additionally, abusive behaviour to older people is called Elder Abuse.

Abusive behaviour is always unpleasant and causes much distress. Sadly, it occurs in all sections of the community, among all age groups and genders. Also, it happens in homes, workplaces, schools, clubs, institutions or wherever people congregate. When it happens in families, it is commonly called Domestic Violence. And in worst cases, it can lead to life-threatening injury.

Common Causes of Abuse

  • Cultural or religious beliefs of superiority and control
  • Family history of abuse
  • Feeling inferior
  • Feeling superior
  • Inability to manage anger
  • Jealousy
  • Low self-esteem
  • Personality disorder or psychological disorder
  • Previous history of having been abused
  • Sense of entitlement

Common Symptoms of Abuse

  • Acting inappropriately, such as being clingy or infantile
  • Constant apprehension, fear or anxiety
  • Depressive mood or passivity
  • Difficulty or inability to maintain stable relationships
  • Difficulty concentrating or sleeping
  • Emotional outbursts or risky behaviour
  • Lack of confidence and self-esteem
  • Overly demanding behaviour
  • Physical injury, such as bruises, cuts or sprains
  • Sense of hopelessness

For read more about Abuse, see downloadable PDFs: Abuse and Emotional Abuse.

Counselling for Abuse

If you have suffered from abusive behaviour at the hands of another, counselling can help to heal the hurtful feelings. Talking to a counsellor gives a space to tell your story. A sympathetic ear will listen to you and take your concerns seriously. In fact, talking out fears and problems lightens the load and gives hope for the future. Sadly, we cannot change the past. What has happened cannot be undone. But what we can do change is the way we see it and the effect it has on us. If you are recovering from damaging behaviour and need help to work through your feelings, counselling is worth considering. You could regain your self-esteem and confidence, and move forward into a brighter future with your life. Click on the image if you would like to book a session.

Contact Radiance Hobart Counselling & Self-Development
now for more information about what we have to offer

Between Stimulus and Response, man has the freedom to choose (Stephen Covey)