Radiance Hobart offers Education services to schools and other  learning institutions
Click on the images below to find out more

Children of all ages will benefit by developing their capacity for Thinking and Emotional Regulation.
Philosophy for Children (P4C) teaches thinking, discussion and many more skills to children while they are still at  school.

Teaching ‘Philosophy for Children’ shows teachers how to run this program themselves.
Mindfulness for Children (M4C) teaches children how to understand and regulate their emotions.
Click on the images below to find out more about these training programs for your school.


Philosophy for Children (P4C)  is an education course for school children of all ages for use in individual classrooms, whole schools, or out-of-school groups. P4C teaches skills in reflective thinking, discussion, reasoning, ethical and social awareness and much more.
Click on the image to see what we can do for your school.



Teaching ‘Philosophy for Children’ is a training course for teachers and educators to learn how to facilitate P4C sessions. Training follows FAPSA’s guidelines. What’s more, you can use the techniques to enrich teaching with other subjects as well. Improve classroom behaviour, culture and performance. Click on the image to find out how.



Mindfulness for Children is a program designed especially for children to learn to understand and regulate their emotions, as well as building a sensitive awareness of the world around them. In fact, these skills will benefit them not only while they are at school, but throughout their whole lives. Click the image to know more.




Mindfulness is a practice that you can do at any time. Informally, it means being fully present and paying attention to what you are doing so that you experience it fully. You can also do Mindfulness formally. This means undertaking certain meditation practices that benefit you in multiple ways. Follow the link to find out more.


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now for more information about what we have to offer

Between Stimulus and Response, man has the freedom to choose (Stephen Covey)